Orchestrating the Perfect Cold Call

August 3, 2023 | By AJ Alonzo
ep 60 - the perfect cold call

How Taylor Del Giudice, Co-Founder at Quack, is booking over 80% of his meetings via the phone with his ‘perfect’ cold calling framework.

Out Guest

Name: Taylor Del Giudice

What He Does: Taylor is the founding SDR at Certn, Co-Founder at Quack, and host of the SDR Handbook podcast.

Company: Quack, Certn

How to Connect: Taylor’s LinkedIn

Think back to the absolute best cold call you’ve ever had. What made it great? What was missing that normally derails you? How was your tone? Your questions? Your close?

Ok, snap back to reality.

We know that not every cold call can be perfect. Sales, by nature, is unpredictable.

So when our guest, Taylor Del Giudice, told us that he had built the ‘perfect’ cold calling framework, we knew we had to get him on the show.

Beyond laying out his framework, Taylor dove into general outbound prospecting tactics that can serve any SDR team.

From getting over cold calling anxiety to curing commission breath to systematizing your qualification questions, Taylor has a ton of insight into how to make the phone a powerful tool in your outbound arsenal.

And the proof is in the pudding – over 80% of the meetings he books come via the phone.

Find out how he does it – and how you can emulate his framework & style to see similar results yourself.