Focus on the Future

A Look at Modern SDR Management Building an SDR team is no easy task. The moving parts – your SDRs – are often immature, inexperienced, and idealistic.  But training, coaching, and managing these reps is an essential task – after all, they’re responsible for your pipeline revenue (even if they are a pain in the.

A Look at Modern SDR Management

Building an SDR team is no easy task. The moving parts – your SDRs – are often immature, inexperienced, and idealistic. 

But training, coaching, and managing these reps is an essential task – after all, they’re responsible for your pipeline revenue (even if they are a pain in the butt sometimes). 

So how can you get the most out of your team and have the sum be greater than the individual parts? 

Your SDR manager

And we grabbed 2 great ones for this event 😊

Tad Bustin, Sr. Director of Client Success at demandDrive, and Steve D’alessandro, Sales Development Manager at Rapid7, know a thing or two about building successful teams. 

They both go beyond the traditional role of ‘SDR Manager’ to build their teams like a family. We’re talking…

💰 Understanding and tapping into the individual motivations of each team member

🚧 Proactively addressing and hurdling barriers that crop up throughout their SDRs tenure

🧠 Taking a long-term approach to rep’s career development and goals – both at the company and after they leave

Tad and Steve have used their management styles to build highly effective SDR teams, and they’re here to show you how to do the same.

  • Can I Send Follow-Up Questions?

    Absolutely! Feel free to connect with and message GUEST on LinkedIn or email our Marketing team and we’ll get back to you.

  • How Can I Get in Touch with demandDrive?

    Head over to our website’s contact us page to get in touch with our management team.

  • Can I Get Involved in a Future Event?

    You sure can! If you want to be a guest on a future event, let us know by emailing our marketing team.

    Event Recap

    dD’s Marketing Communications Manager, Alex Ellison, recaps the top points from our event and provides you with a framework for testing new management strategies. 

    Seriously: Who WANTS to Manage an SDR Team?
    SDRs – inexperienced, immature, idealistic, and…responsible for your top-of-funnel leads. This blog is part satire, part gritty novel, and part wake-up-call (with a dash of insight and shameless self-promotion thrown in).

    Top Tips for New SDRs

    Starting a career as an SDR is exciting…and daunting. We polled some sales and marketing professionals to see what advice they have for new SDRs just starting out in the role, and how managers can leverage that on their teams.


aj alonzo profile

AJ Alonzo

Director of Marketing - demandDrive

tad bustin

Tad Bustin

Sr. Director, Client Success - demandDrive

steve d'alessandro

Steve D’Alessandro

Sales Development Manager - Rapid7

What You’ll Learn

Join us for a conversation + Q&A about the role of the SDR manager and how you can unlock the potential of every rep on your team.