Using Intent Data the Right Way

A well-fleshed out intent data program can drive more revenue and higher qualified leads and accounts than any other channel, but it isn’t always that simple. How is B2B intent data being used today? What are the challenges to using it? How do we get around them? Join us as we discuss these topics with.

A well-fleshed out intent data program can drive more revenue and higher qualified leads and accounts than any other channel, but it isn’t always that simple. How is B2B intent data being used today? What are the challenges to using it? How do we get around them? Join us as we discuss these topics with Becky Mendenhall, Senior Manager of Demand Generation at Cumulus Networks.

In this webinar, we:

– Address the hype around intent data

– Discuss the roadblocks keeping intent data from being used successfully

– Discover the best ways to take advantage of intent data


jon hanman

Jon Hanman

VP of Sales - demandDrive

rebecca mendenhall

Rebecca Mendenhall

Sr. Manager of Demand Generation - Cumulus Networks

What You’ll Learn