Personal Goal Setting

Personal Goal Setting

🎯 5 Questions with Scott Bonish, Project Lead @ demandDrive

Tune in for a crash course on setting personal goals (both business and professional), what mindset to adopt, and how to stay agile when things go awry.

Our Guest

Name: Scott Bonish

What He Does: Scott is a Project Lead at demandDrive

Company: demandDrive

How to Connect: Scott’s LinkedIn

We all have goals in life.

Some SDRs want to make that jump to an AE role. Some want to save enough money to buy a house. Some want to make at least 50 dials per day.

Whatever your goal is, big or small, there’s usually a framework or system you use to help yourself achieve it.

Our guest, Scott Bonish, has seen it all.

From his experience as an SDR to his current role as a project lead, he’s set and tackled many a goal. Sometimes he succeeds, sometimes he fails, but he and his team always learn from it.

Tune in to get Scott’s take on effective goal-setting methods, the mentality you have to adopt, and how to make the process repeatable!

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Key Takeaways

  1. Let’s start the conversation by talking about why and how you should set personal goals. What does your goal-setting process look like?

  2. Are your goals set in stone? Or do they need constant assessment and tweaking?

  3. Building on that, how are you tracking your goals?

    • Do you work on a numbers basis, or a qualitative basis? Or both?

    • How do you hold yourself accountable to personal goals?

  4. How do you know what will motivate you?

    • What happens when you hit a goal? What happens when you don’t?

  5. What happens when you set a goal that’s too difficult? How do you balance easy and difficult goals?

    • How do you know when you’re goal is too ambitious, or you’re just not working hard enough?

Top 3

🤏 Go micro. Tackling a huge goal like buying a house or hitting quota for the month can be daunting. But breaking that larger goal into smaller micro-goals can help set you up for sustainable success.

Simple Example: 10 meetings = 200 Conversations = 1000 Dials = 50/Day. It’s a lot easier to conceptualize making 50 calls a day vs. needing 10 meetings to hit quota.

📢 Build in public. Socializing your goals with team members, friends, partners, etc. is a great way of holding yourself accountable. It’s easy to push something off if you’re the only one who knows it’s being pushed off.

Plus, if you don’t say your goals out loud, how will anyone be able to help you? Being on an island as an SDR is incredibly difficult and demoralizing. Don’t put yourself there.

🌟 No goals are perfect right away. Expect to tweak and update your goals as time goes by. Be realistic with yourself – if something drastic happens (you get assigned to a new territory, you have unexpected medical bills) your goals should reflect that. Don’t beat yourself up, and don’t make your goals too easy.

Find the “goldilocks” sweet spot – it will take time, but it’s worth it.

Our Top Takes

“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” Or, “Everybody Has A Plan Until They Get Punched In The Mouth.” It takes a certain amount of focus, follow-through, and self-awareness to set and hit your goals.

Part of that is knowing when you still have arrows in the quiver and you can continue pushing towards the goal in place.

Part of that is knowing when the goal is unrealistic and that it’s time to re-evaluate.

Part of it is knowing that outside forces can impact your ability to achieve your goals, and navigating them in a way that doesn’t fully derail your progress.

Speed bumps will happen – you have to be honest with yourself about how you plan to handle them and actually doing it when the opportunity arises.


Root yourself in a “why.” Why are you doing what you’re doing (outside of making money to live)?

Having a reason that’s grounded in something tangible (providing for your family, buying a house, getting a promotion to rub it in your ex-bully’s face) you draw from makes working towards a goal much easier.

If it worked for Homer Simpson, it can work for you.

Additional Thoughts

  • Think: How much “work” did it take to get 1 lead? How can you replicate that and do it over and over again? Use that to set realistic expectations.

  • Knowing what motivates you in your personal life can help motivate you to reach work goals. If you’re a fan of sweets, have a victory cupcake when you achieve a micro-goal.

  • Data is your friend. Use it to compare segments of time to see how you’re tracking towards goal. If you have a team you can lean on, see who’s leading the pack and ask to pick their brain. What are they doing that you might be able to incorporate in your own prospecting?