Time Management Skills


Join AJ and Alex as they recap the finer points from our SDR Symposium on Time Management.


šŸ•’ Importance of power hours for various tasks, not just calling prospects
šŸ”„ Using evidence to create an efficient agenda for productivity
šŸ’” Experimentation and habit-building to determine optimal working times
šŸ“ž Adapting working hours to align with prospect engagement times
šŸ¤ Balancing time management with consideration for team collaboration and dynamics

Our Q3 symposium focused on time management.

It’s a topic that can mean so many different things to different people.

…which is why we’ve talked about it a handful of times already. The nuances and depth ofĀ time management are varied and deep, so we loaded up another symposium to help our SDRs learn the necessary tactics to master this skill.

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Key Takeaways

Power Hours…Aren’t Just For Dialing

For most sales reps, the idea of a “power hour” isn’t foreign. You block off your calendar for an hour during the day and do nothing but call during that block. It’s a great way to minimize distractions and up your focus, allowing you to get a large amount of outbound dials done in a short period.

But one of our panelists had a different take on the idea –Ā  build power hours forĀ non-calling activities. Tasks like account mapping, messaging refresh, and other administrative work can also benefit from an hour of uninterrupted work.

Their mantra of “Let me set aside an hour to be as productive as possible in an area where I’m struggling” really hit home for our panel and AJ & Alex.


Understand How To Build Good Habits

Time management involves a lot of experimentation. And for SDRs, a lot of that experimentation will revolve around when they’re most productive // when their ICP is most likely to answer the phone (not mutually exclusive things).

The best SDRs will collect data around metrics like quality connects, pick-up rates, and prospect disposition to find out their ideal prospecting window (also known as ‘Golden Hours’). Then, they build their schedule around that time to maximize their chances of connecting with and having positive conversations with their prospects.

The process of finding and protecting those Golden Hours is a key component to solid time management skills and will serve you for the rest of your career.


Figure Out What Works For You

If you want to block your calendar and have every minute of your day accounted for, that’s great! If you try that out and it doesn’t work for you, that’s ok! Not all of this advice will work for everyone.

At the end of the day, time management is about using evidence to create an efficient agenda for yourself. If you finish the work that needs to be done every day without feeling burnt out or stressed over time, you’ve got a good thing going. At the end of the day, you want your calendar to work for you – and not the other way around.

Time Management Skills

(00:00) Alex welcome to an edition of unsubscribe short where we spend 5 to 15 who knows how long minutes talking about in this case a symposium that we ran internally the Q3 s strr Symposium at demand drive all about time management um had a couple of takeaways from what our sdrs talked about in terms of how to
(00:26) best break up their day and categorized tasks and all that good stuff I know you have a couple of takeaways as well let’s regil our audience with some good insights and Analysis on how we can help uh sdrs and salespeople in general just get a better hold of their day so take it away start us off yeah for sure um
(00:44) and you know time management is the kind of topic that could cover so many different things for so many different people everyone needs to do it right nobody’s sitting there like oh I don’t need to manage my time right um but but I think it was important to have this internal Symposium really focused on the
(01:01) SDR role and how especially for a lot of people who they are used to managing their time as they did in college or growing up on the younger side of things all of a sudden you hit the workforce it’s 40 hours a week There’s no such thing as homework there’s a lot of differences that I think can get lost in
(01:17) the shuffle um so it’s really cool to be able to hear from some of the people that have join the team and sort of perfected their own time management strategies um over the course of their their tenure in the role um one big takeaway I learned from that I thought was really interesting is one of the
(01:34) panelists talked about Power hours which are pretty synonymous with like you pick up the phone you just keep calling for an hour um but talked about Power hours for other things maybe for account mapping for maybe administrative stuff um changing up messaging writing new email templates whatever it sort of is
(01:51) but um treating that hour in a way that it’s saying not hey I have an hour let’s be as prod productive as possible as in like try to get as many leads as possible it’s hey I have an hour let’s be as productive as possible in whatever area I think I’m struggling so or it just needs a refresh right if it’s once
(02:10) a quarter at least you should probably have a Power Hour about messaging and changing up your email templates and maybe AB testing some things um but that’s just an example I think it’s um that the mindset is so important to this sort of thing that it’s not as much about like you know some people do
(02:27) really well blocking off every single hour of their day for what they’re supposed to do some people don’t and you know figuring out what works for you was a big part of this as well but um being able to at least sometimes take an hour maybe even half an hour and saying this is what I need to get done this is what
(02:44) I’m doing I’m blocking up my calendar I’m going like I’m going off of slack I’m like turning that off for this hour so that I can focus on what I’m doing was definitely one of the the bigger takeaways that I thought was unique from an Str Str perspective that is usually so focused on just picking up the phone
(02:59) and being productive that way yeah um I also thought that was really interesting because you hear power out right and you’re right like you automatically assume it’s in regards to doing outbound activity but um I think the big biggest takeaway that I got from everyone’s discussion points and from stuff that
(03:17) we’ve previously recorded and sort of produced around time management is still this idea that like it’s twofold it’s one that like you need to use evidence to create an an efficient agenda for yourself so understanding when you work best and when you’re more likely to produce the outputs that you’re expected
(03:37) to produce as an SDR which are booked meetings and quality conversations understanding when you’re sort of best at doing that and building a schedule around that time that works for you I think that’s like the key to time management in general and for a lot of reps it was the experimentation that’s prong number two and understanding how
(03:58) to build habits over time that allowed them to focus on like okay between I don’t know 1 and 4 p.m. during my work days that’s when I’m the most focused and able to like sit down and make a ton of cold calls knowing that maybe between 9 and 10: a.m. I set aside an hour and do a Power Hour of account mapping tell
(04:21) prepare myself and then between 10: and 11:00 a.m. I set up another Power Hour to do some administrative tasks like making sure my Salesforce is clean making sure that the CRM has the appropriate tasks loaded up into it so that like when I have that 3our block where I’m calling that’s what I’m doing
(04:38) and I don’t have to worry about anything else around me and so it’s like you know that that’s what time management is right like being able to focus on a specific task for a set period of time but I think the biggest thing is like it’s not just going to immediately happen for everyone you have to do the
(04:54) experimentation and have the time in the role to understand when you’re best suited to do that task and then build everything around that um that was sort of the biggest takeaway that I got from all of our panelists were that they’ been doing this job for long enough to recognize like the patterns that allowed
(05:09) them to settle on those particular times for calling those particular times for admin tasks Etc um and then worked around that rather than I think a lot of people they tried different methodologies and it doesn’t work for them and they’re like time management is garbage and they just don’t bother with
(05:26) it so um I thought that was the biggest takeaway for me at least was the the evidence to create an efficient agenda yeah um one question I did have about that section that that they didn’t touch on though and it’s something I definitely ran into when I was when I was in SDR is what happens when that
(05:42) your your best time for calling maybe you know you have just finished your coffee your brain’s the sharpest you’re ready to go is not the best time to be calling your prospects like what if your golden hour for calling prospects doesn’t line up with your like Ideal Power hour for yourself I would say that’s not your
(06:00) golden hour then I I think like it’s twofold right like you have to know that you’re ready to do the job but like like you said it doesn’t matter if like your prospects aren’t picking up if I’m only calling into California and I’m raring to go and it’s nine o’clock in the morning no one’s picking up the phone
(06:17) it’s 6: am so it’s it’s I think you have to marry both of those things like what are my prospects most likely to engage with the messaging that I’m putting out and what am I most able and alert to be able to do that sometimes they don’t match and you just have to like I don’t know I’ve re I’ve restructured my day
(06:35) personally so many times to like force a habit into a time slot that makes more sense versus when I’m kind of like naturally inclined to do it um almost like rewiring how you go about your day based on the external factors uh I I think for stuff like making sure that your prospects actually pick up the
(06:57) phone is crucial for that but then you look at other external factors like oh this is typically when I have a team meeting or this is typically when um I’m on the floor with other reps and we’re we’re doing Power hours together like trying to work around stuff like that I think is almost secondary like you
(07:12) should be able to communicate with your manager and your your colleagues like hey I have to be calling between 1 and 4 pm every day because that just works best for my prospects and for my schedule and get them to like work around that schedule not be like totally inflexible but flexible enough with it
(07:28) um but you only know that if you kind of keep at figuring out like when is this the best time for me to do this what are the best tactics for me to sort of implement some basic time management practices what does that make sense for me so it’s a good question though like likely a lot of people listening to this
(07:48) are like I’d love to call at 10 a.m. but like no Prospect picks up so I guess I’m screwed like not necessarily you you can rewire your brain a little bit to sort of better match up with when your prospects are actually going to respond to you yeah yeah I like that as a response because in reality we can talk
(08:04) about all the best practices we want but nothing happens in a vacuum there’s context there’s multiple pieces of play between your internal team the people you’re calling yourself your maybe desk mates if you’re in an office um so yeah being able to find that balance is another not that it was talked about too
(08:22) much in the Symposium but um just another aspect of it there’s a lot of good you can get you can learn from about your prospects and your teammates that help you with this time management um but yeah you shouldn’t be I guess getting in the way of somebody else’s ability to manage their time well yeah
(08:37) keep that balance that’s what it’s all about


unsubscribe shorts were they can be anywhere from realistically like 5 to 12 minutes welcome dude this is a this is a medium YouTube does shorts these are mediums these are 5 to 15 mid we’ll just call it mid that what could go wrong me unsubscribed me welcome to unsubscribed mediocre Edition
(09:12) where we give you okay advice about things that might be important or not we’re not really sure we don’t care