A Client In The Network Security Space

Building a "Maverick and Goose" Partnership

Who is This Client?

The client featured in this case study provides a complete, cloud-native platform for validating and authenticating sender identity to stop phishing, protect and amplify brands, and ensure compliance.


As a leader in the email security space, our client relied on their internal SDR team to generate new meetings and find qualified opportunities via inbound qualification and sparse outbound email campaigns.

They began to recognize that some of their inbound leads weren’t being followed up on, and the outbound campaigns were lacking a multi-channel approach. This lack of activity contributed to low numbers across the board, and was the impetus for them to shift their strategy to a more targeted outbound approach.

To make this shift successful, they needed a partner to help them run outbound campaigns with a multi-channel mindset, effectively follow-up with and account-map inbound leads, and maintain their reputation and brand presence in the email security space.


This client selected dD’s Outbound service to plan and execute the above objectives, and ultimately generate pipeline revenue and net new leads. Here’s what they got…

Project Scope:

  • 3 dD Certified Sales Development Reps (SDR) to execute multi-channel outbound campaigns and account map through their reservoir list of inbound leads.
  • A comprehensive management layer to plan, analyze, and compile reports on the program’s progress as well as provide strategic direction for the SDR team.
  • Proprietary dD Sales Development Process that identifies key target accounts (matched to an ICP) and effectively adds contacts, generates pipeline, and passes qualified sales-ready opportunities to the AE team.

This client kicked off a program with a strong focus on mapping their current inbound lead cache, creating multi-channel outbound cadences, and better aligning SDR <> AE teams to eliminate friction and provide seamless handovers.

Program Results

We finally have full transparency and clarity between our SDR and AE teams thanks to demandDrive.

Senior Global Marketing Director

This client has seen tremendous success with demandDrive as their sales development partner. The sales development expertise of our management layer combined with strategic SDR <> AE alignment has proved to be a winning recipe. The strengths and weaknesses of each rep were taken into account when assigning them to an AE (it’s all 1:1), and that extra bit of work has contributed to the overall success of the program.

“It’s changed from a vendor relationship to a partnership. They are a full extension of our sales team.”

Sr. Global Marketing Director

As the client likes to call it, the “Maverick and Goose partnership” was a huge win.

Additionally, because of this strong SDR <> AE relationship, demandDrive SDRs aren’t just “tossing leads over the fence” – they’re focusing on the “why” of their outreach and finding high-quality opportunities for their AE counterparts.

Even cooler, demandDrive was able to successfully start converting webchat visitors into meetings for the AE team, something this client had tried in the past but was unable to yield any significant results.

The integrated approach has been so successful that after crunching some numbers, the client realized that demandDrive was providing a higher ROI and lower TCO than their internal team. In response, they added an additional 3 headcount (bringing the total to 6) to support the program and drive leads for their sales team.

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