Content Syndication & Pre-Qualification

Maximize your sales team’s efficiency through the delivery of highly customized & premium pre-qualified leads

As a leading B2B content syndication provider, we give your reps a head start on the prospecting process.

When it comes to delivering high-quality leads to your sales team, there’s always room for improvement. Accounts might not be targeted enough, information could be out of date or incorrect, the scope of the deal could be too small to get your teams excited…the list goes on.

But we know that if your information falls short, it means your sales team spends more time on their end researching and finding target accounts to call instead of actually reaching out.

content syndication hero

Enter: Content Syndication & Pre-Qualified Leads.

Good data at the top of the funnel leads to more conversations and higher quality leads at the bottom of the funnel. With a B2B content syndication and pre-qualified leads program, you can proactively select the criteria your team needs instead of waiting for leads to come to you. When leads enter the funnel with this level of pre-qualification they fall through at a quicker rate, meaning your reps are spending less time researching and more time closing.

Using a combination of intent data, predictive modeling, B2B segmentation, and custom qualification criteria, we help define (and optimize) your ICP to find and deliver pre-qualified leads for your sales team. The more B2B content syndication campaigns you run, the more qualified they get!



Set Standards for Qualification Criteria and ICP Development

demandDrive and our data operations team works with your team to define your highest priority leads, and if required help establish (or optimize) an ICP for B2B content syndication. 

Using these parameters along with intent data and predictive modeling capabilities, we design the qualification criteria necessary for our leads to be both highly accurate and deliver the best value.

Design & Execution

Develop ideal campaign strategies to achieve desired results

Your team specifies their requirements and works side by side with our specialists to design the ideal campaign. Whether involving data validation, B2B content syndication, survey execution, or your specific data functions, we create a custom outreach plan based on your campaign specifics which will result in the Pre-Qualified Leads you’re looking for.

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Delivery & Action

We supply, and you reap the benefits

This is where your salespeople come in. After you receive your Pre-Qualified Leads, you can handle them as you wish. The data is guaranteed to be 90+% accurate, and it’s all yours! Run these leads through your next campaign or hand them off to your SDRs and watch your pipeline blossom with opportunities.


Fine-tune your Qualification Criteria to improve results with each campaign

Need some tweaks? Discover a new insight? Kick the data back to us for further optimization. After analyzing your initial results it might become clear that some standards need adjustment. By creating an effective feedback loop we can further refine your qualification criteria and better define your ICP to grant you access to superior leads with each successive campaign. The more we work together, the more we can improve our outreach.

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