You Got The Job! Now What?

SDR Insider #1

“You got the job, now what?” A simple question that has anything but a simple answer, which is why it felt like a perfect topic to dive into for the first episode of SDR Insider: Insights from Top Performers.

If you recently started as a new SDR, are feeling stuck in your current role, or are any place in between, this first episode will undoubtedly leave you feeling ready to conquer the quarter (and beyond).

Our first guest, Bhuvana Sundaresan, joins me for an SDR on SDR discussion – something we both agree we don’t see enough of –  on how you can set yourself up for success as a new sales rep.

Bhuvana’s work ethic and dedication to her projects throughout her time at demandDrive has propelled her to a Senior SDR and President’s Club winner, making her a sales professional to look up to (and take notes from). Yet, she reminds us that we all start at the same spot and that no matter a sales professional’s current role, “at one point, (we all) do the sales work.”

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Key Takeaways

Prioritize Learning Early

No one enters any new job or industry as an expert. “The job isn’t to know everything…but to have conversations, be adaptable, be curious, and that will help you be the best SDR you can be.”

Adopting this mindset early will help set you up for success in the long run.

💡 Editor’s Note: I recommend reading our blog, Building Your Sales Development Puzzle, as a complementary piece.


Leverage Your Team and Peers

This advice leans into the importance of collaboration and teamwork, an overarching theme in this episode and essential to embrace early on in any role.

“There is a lot of knowledge sharing that can go on between teams…putting yourself in a space where you can collaborate and learn…that is an immense resource you can use in the beginning (of your sales career).”

Bhuvana said it best, and the irreplaceable resource that is your team is unmatched. She encourages asking questions because resources aren’t always on your computer, and sometimes, the most valuable ones are people.

💡 Editor’s Note: If you don’t have a large team to lean on, there are still plenty of options for you. The world of online sales communities has exploded over the last few years, and they’re a great place to network with and grow alongside peers.


Use LinkedIn To “Talk the Talk”

“The more knowledge you have, the more powerful you are,” which is also why it’s essential to dive head first into your client’s industry and, as Bhuvana calls it, learn your client’s “language.”

LinkedIn is brought up as a key resource for knowledge, and Bhuvana goes as far to say that LinkedIn is “the single source of truth.”

Sometimes it may seem intimidating, but “the sooner you use it (LinkedIn), the more meetings you can book, the more relationships you can build and…the more you can learn about the industry.”


Take Advantage of Ebbs and Flows

Like any job, sales is full of highs and lows. Some months are better than others, and you may have times when you question yourself, but “smooth seas don’t make skilled sailors.”

Downtime in the sales cycle is where the research aspect of the job becomes most important. Bhuvana implores SDRS to “invest in the backend work.” What does that mean? It’s not just about the meetings, it’s about the work that gets you to the meetings – because if you are doing the right work, you will be successful, no matter the timeline. And don’t forget, “hard work puts you where good luck can find you.”

Sales Rep new or old, we hope you found this episode and post helpful. We are looking forward to sharing more insights from top performers through the SDR Insider, a new monthly initiative from demandDrive.

If you are interested in being included in a future episode or have an idea for a conversation, feel free to reach out to Madi at